Improve Your Hearing Health
Did you know there are ways to maintain and improve hearing even as you age and loss becomes more prevalent?
Take Control of Your Hearing Health
AudioNova is committed to being your trusted partner for audio care by offering the latest technology in hearing aids and continuous education on how to improve your hearing and ear health. Taking the right steps in your journey provides a solid foundation to achieve the best hearing care outcomes with solutions tuned to your frequency. You don’t have to give in to hearing loss. You hold the power to change it.
Staying Connected
Improving your hearing boosts more than your ability to catch every word. It opens up a world where social gatherings bring joy instead of stress, where every alert and alarm enhances your safety, and where the richness of music and dialogue in movies is fully appreciated. It sharpens your mind and enriches your life, making every interaction more meaningful. Explore hearing aid technology and how it can enhance your life.
Types of Hearing Aids
Professional Audio Care
If you’re experiencing one of the many factors that cause hearing loss, such as age, exposure to loud noises, or genetics, and are showing signs of diminished hearing, we are your trusted source for options and advice on improving hearing. Our holistic suite of services includes state-of-the-art testing and diagnostics, modern hearing aid technology, noise protection, and more.
Tips for Hearing Health
Start with simple steps to keep your hearing at its best. Clean your ears and protect them from loud noises with appropriate hearing protection products. Exercise regularly to improve cardiovascular health and keep blood flowing to all organs, including the ears. Schedule regular hearing checks by taking an online hearing test or scheduling a visit at one of our clinics. These actions help preserve your hearing and protect against noise-induced hearing loss and slow age-related symptoms.
Benefits of Hearing Health
Simple actions can help preserve your hearing and protect against noise-induced hearing loss and slow age-related symptoms. It’s easy to take hearing for granted, but consider the benefits of proactively managing your hearing health.
Stay Connected With Loved Ones
Reduce Cognitive Decline
Maintain Balance and Steadiness
Enjoy Music and Movies
Improve Mental Health
Is Hearing Loss Avoidable?
Some degree of hearing loss as you age is inevitable, and genetics, environmental factors, and health conditions will make hearing difficult for some. However, taking proactive steps can significantly slow its progression. This is about empowering yourself and learning how to improve hearing to maintain your ability for as long as possible.
Protect and improve hearing with:
- Custom or off-the-shelf ear protection
- A healthy diet and exercise
- Regular hearing screenings
- Proper care for other health conditions
- Avoiding ototoxic medications
Types of Hearing Loss
When your hearing is compromised, you miss out on more than just hearing the world around you – your overall health can be compromised. Whether exposure to loud noise has damaged the delicate hairs in the inner ear, fluid buildup or blockages - it is important to understand the causes of hearing loss for appropriate treatment and solutions.
Read more about hearing loss