Learn Five Common Signs of Deafness in Dogs

Learn Five Common Signs of Deafness in Dogs
5 min
Published September 13, 2024
Five Common Signs of Deafness in Dogs: What to Look For
Many people consider their dogs to be important family members. Unfortunately, research has identified a gene that causes deafness among approximately 100 dog breeds. In some cases, the hearing loss comes on suddenly. For other dogs, it can happen all at once, depending on their specific condition. Some pet owners assume their pets aren’t listening to their commands when, in reality, their dog’s hearing is impaired.
Below, the hearing experts at AudioNova discuss the signs of deafness in dogs and how to handle your pet’s hearing loss. We understand how important your companionship is with your canine, so we’re here to help ensure they maintain the highest possible quality of life. Contact us today to learn more about our comprehensive hearing services.
Signs of Deafness in Dogs
Some signs of hearing loss in dogs are obvious, including not responding to your voice calling their name or commands. It can be especially challenging for a pet parent to realize their dog is experiencing hearing loss, especially if the condition is new or slowly developing. This is why paying close attention to any changes in your dog’s behavior is essential. Poor obedience can actually be a sign that something is wrong. A dog with hearing loss may:
Show a change in attentiveness or obedience
Seem unresponsive to everyday sounds, such as the doorbell
Appear unresponsive to their name
Stop responding to familiar verbal commands
Be more difficult to wake from sleep
Be less physically active
Bark excessively
Diagnosing Hearing Loss in Pets
If you notice any behavioral or physical changes in your pet, you should schedule a checkup with your veterinarian. You can start by checking inside their ears for any potential problems and putting together a list of symptoms to discuss during the appointment. The veterinarian will physically examine your dog's ears with special tools to help them get a clear view of the ear canal to check for issues.
Potential Causes of Hearing Loss in Dogs
Many things can cause hearing loss in dogs. Understanding the exact cause is essential for their health and well-being. Humans lose their hearing ability through the natural aging process, and it can be the same with dogs. Some issues causing deafness in dogs are unavoidable and, besides the ability to hear, otherwise harmless. Other cases of deafness can be painful or threatening to their health, which emphasizes the importance of getting an accurate diagnosis from a veterinarian. Some of the potential causes of hearing loss in dogs include:
Blockages – Foreign objects and even bodily changes can cause ear canal blockages, limiting a dog's ability to hear clearly or at all. Having your dog’s ears examined by a veterinarian ensures nothing is blocking their ear canal. Blockages caused by tumors, growths, or inflammation may be treatable with medication or surgery.
Birth Defects – Some dog breeds are genetically predisposed to hearing loss, giving them a higher chance of being born deaf or developing the condition later in life. Some examples of affected dog breeds include Dachshunds, Great Danes, and Bulldogs. However, it’s important to remember that just because your dog is a particular breed doesn't mean it will develop hearing loss. Several genetic factors are involved in the development of the condition.
Aging – As dogs age, parts of their bodies begin to change, including their ears. The nerves in the inner ear deteriorate over time, causing symptoms of hearing loss to appear gradually.
Ear Damage – This can include any physical damage to the ear and eardrum. Whether they’re frequently exposed to loud noises or have recurrent ear infections that are left untreated, hearing loss can be the result. Ear infections can also result in long-term inflammation that may need surgery.
Exposure to Toxins – Exposure to certain heavy metals and chemicals can cause deafness in dogs. Ototoxicity can occur when certain medications are misused or have side effects that may result in deafness. When treating your dog with medication, you must use it as the veterinarian prescribes. If you think your dog was exposed to possible toxins, it's important to contact your veterinarian or Pet Poison Control immediately.

Caring for a Deaf Dog
Dogs with hearing loss can still live a whole, happy life. Their deafness doesn't mean they must have a lower quality of life than dogs without the condition. If you’re caring for a dog with hearing loss, it’s important to remember that:
You might need to restructure your approach to pet care.
You may need to retrain your pet to learn non-verbal commands.
Start to get their attention by stomping your feet, especially when entering a room.
Try to remain patient while adjusting your routines to accommodate your dog.
Be consistent with the new routine for the best results.
Preparing for Dog Hearing Loss
While it's not always obvious how our dogs' health will play out throughout their lives, it's important to be prepared for hearing loss. By understanding the signs of deafness in dogs and how to address them, you can help your pet continue to live a healthy and happy life.
Contact the Hearing Experts at AudioNova Today
At AudioNova, we understand how important it is to address hearing loss, whether it’s your friends, family, or pets. We’ll be with you every step of your journey towards better hearing health, ensuring we take an all-encompassing approach to each and every patient. Our clinical teams offer comprehensive hearing services to assist you with all your hearing needs and concerns. There's no better time to start hearing the world around you more clearly. Contact us today to schedule a one-on-one consultation with a provider.